How to experience Plitvice without people
Plitvice certainly belongs to the most beautiful places on the planet. Azure water, impressive waterfalls, spectacular landscape and an almost untouched nature. It definitely is worth a visit. The downside of the National Park is the huge amount of people that are walking through it every day. So what can you do to avoid the crowds and to experience Plitvice without people?
Tip 1: Use the tracks around the lakes to get from A to B
The park is quite huge, but everything is still walkable within a day. If you have some time and don’t mind walking, I really recommend you to not use the boats for crossing the lakes. Of course, it is fast and comfortable. But then you will always be where the crowds are. The trails around the park are perfectly fine, and it is allowed to use them. While walking always next to the water, I only met a few other people and I could enjoy some peace and quite in that beautiful area. Of course that doesn’t count for the big sights within the park.
Tip 2: Swim against the swarm
It’s not the ultimate tip to avoid crowds. There will still be a lot of people around you, but it’s a bit better this way. The park has two entries. The main sights are located near Entry 1, where most people start. If you start at entry 2 and explore the southern area of the park first, you can escape a huge amount of people, especially the guided tours and school classes. But keep in mind, that that will change at around noon. Then they are moving to the sights of entry 2. That’s the perfect time for you to move to entry 1.
Tip 3: Stay as long as you can
A lot of people are getting there in groups and with guides, and they always have a schedule. It’s pretty sure, that they won’t stay until the evening. Please check the opening hours in advance here. They have different operating hours in the summer and during winter. In the summer they are open longer till approx. 6pm.
Tip 4: Come as early as you can to experience Plitvice without people
That’s the ultimate way to experience Plitvice Lakes National Park almost alone: If you are willing to get up early. Be at the entry already when the park opens. During summer, they open at 7 am. Most of the people, as well as the guided tours, won’t start before 9 am. I recommend starting at entry 1, where the most beautiful spots are. You could also start at entry 2, but the boats aren’t operating at that time. So, you won’t get to the other side and won’t see much. You could only walk back to entry 1, but then you are going to lose a lot of precious alone time.